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    Guide on How Reporting Bots


    Posts : 39
    Join date : 07/02/2013

    Guide on How Reporting Bots Empty Guide on How Reporting Bots

    Post  SoulStealer™ Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:01 am


    To all hunters out there:

    If you hunt in maps with the /exall command on, I will consider you botters. I don't care what your excuses will be so to avoid any disturbances or inconveniences on your part, I strongly recommend that you not use this command. Remember, I will NOT buy ANY excuse whatsoever. Cheers.

    - Soul Stealer™


    This will be the format that everyone should follow when reporting botters. If this format is not followed, then the suspect in the case MAY be released, with the final verdict on the report's credibility decided on by the GM/Police responding.

    Here is the format of how your report should look like:

    Abuse: Botting
    Short summary of what happened:


    It will be better to provide at least 2 screenshots. The first showing the bot in action, and the second containing your count down. Don't even think about trying to cheat the countdown saying that you gave him 10 seconds when you in fact only gave him 2. Remember, the screenshots have a time log on the lower left part.

    There are some bots who are 'smart'. They will respond to your 'are you a bot?' question with no, or some obscene words. To prove that they are indeed bots, ask them a follow up simple question like, "what is 1+1? or "what is the name of the server?". If they respond with the same or a somewhat unrelated answer to your question, you can report them.

      Current date/time is Mon May 06, 2024 4:48 pm