Elect Ragnarok Online

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    Server Rules


    Posts : 39
    Join date : 07/02/2013

    Server Rules Empty Server Rules

    Post  SoulStealer™ Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:14 am

    The following rules govern all the basic interactions within the Elect Ragnarok Online game. Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result account termination and such. Please refer to the Types of Abuses for a more detailed set of infractions and punishments.

    1. While playing Elect Ragnarok Online, you shall respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. You shall not harass, threaten, deceive or cause any distressful concerns or any unwanted attention to other players.

    2. We want Elect Ragnarok Online to be a fun and safe place for everyone. Elect Ragnarok Online is a global game, played by people from different countries and states around the world. Because of that, there might be conflict around players about what names are offensive. A name that is not offensive to you may be very offensive to another player. Therefore, we are not going to allow names that:

    Have offensive racial, ethnic, or national connotations.
    Reference sexual acts or real life violence.
    Are pornographic.
    Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions.
    Reference illegal drugs or activities.
    Reference major religious figures.
    Reference certain real-life people that may cause distress (e.g. Hitler).

    3. You shall not communicate to any player's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.) through the Elect Ragnarok Online and Forums

    4. You shall not advertise the intent nor commit the act of buying, selling, or trading any Elect Ragnarok Online account(s) or item(s) for real-world money trades.

    5. You shall not offer in-game services for real-world money trades.

    6. You shall not exploit any bug in Elect Ragnarok Online. You should not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits) either directly or through public posting, to any other players. Bugs should be promptly reported at the Developer Team.

    7. You shall not use any third-party program (such as a "bot") in order to automate game play functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering item(s) within Elect Ragnarok Online. Also, you should not assist or store item(s) for other players who are using such.

    8. You shall not modify and/or alter any part of the Elect Ragnarok Online Client.

    9. You shall not bring into play any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, obscene, defamatory or racially offensive languages.

    10. When communicating in Elect Ragnarok Online using Public Chat (including the use of Broadcast System and use of the Private Messaging), you shall not spam, flood, or make duplicate posts.

    11. You shall not impersonate any Elect Ragnarok Online Staff Member. Please be advised that all Elect Ragnarok Online Staff Member has their unique auras and Trademark Sign (™) after their names.

    12.You shall not report players maliciously, or cause them to be investigated without reason. Individuals who abuse the reporting function will be investigated and will face possible account suspension or account termination depending on the gravity of abuse.

    13. You shall not argue with any Elect Ragnarok Online Admins/GMs/Polices when receiving punishment. Arguing or trying to debate violation, may result in a more serve punishment.

    14. You shall not market, promote, advertise, or solicit within the Elect Ragnarok Online game or in our forums.

    The rules are not limited to this list. Please be sure to use common sense above all when playing Elect Ragnarok Online.

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